Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dear Self

Dear Self,
                Do you really have to hurt yourself?
                Do you really have to torture your self?
                ….by excessively thinking of him?
                ….by looking at his picture?
                ….by longing for his touch?
Dear Self,
                Do you really have to hurt yourself?
                Do you really have to torture yourself?
                ….by dreaming [too much] of him?
                ….by imagining he’s walking with you?
                ….by ideating  that you are holding his hand ?
Dear Self,
                Do you really have to hurt yourself?
                Do you really have to torture yourself?
                ….by doing anything just to see him?
                ….by envisioning he is just everywhere though he’s actually not?
                ….by trying to chase him when you saw him from a far?
Dear Self,
                Do you really have to hurt yourself?
                Do you really have to torture yourself?
                ….just to ease the pain?
                ….just to forget him?
                ….just to finally accept that you two can never be together?

Dearest you,
                Do you really have to hurt me?

                Do you really have to torture me?