Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Be The Better You (より良いあなたも)

Taking this literally , it does begin with letter "I". However, a deeper meaning behind it- improvement begins with one's self. It is closely related to the statement ,"We should start the change we want to see". Before we can change or improve our environment, we must always start with the person standing in front of the mirror.

I started out by saying that change is a great part of growing up and we should all welcome it and blahblahblahblah..But as I thought about the recent changes I've gone through, I thought, let's face it- sometimes , change really sucks.

The truth is, sometimes it takes painful, uncomfortable, embarrassing changes for you to get to the next life stage. Sometimes, you have to say goodbye to something that isn't meant for you, to make room for something that is. Sometimes, you have to get hurt to accept that there are things you need to do because change won't happen on it's own. Sometimes, you have to lose something for you to realize you really wanted it and so you can do better and prepare more for the next time.

We have gone through a lot of changes: some truly awesome, some hard but necessary, some small but important, some that seemed big at the moment but that really didn't make a difference after all.But all these things brought us to this moment, we are happy to be where we are.

Sometimes, a choice will cause tough changes- and the grown up thing to do is just to stick by that choice and accept the change, knowing that, if you made that choice out of love,then it was the right one for you at that moment.

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